Main Upper - English About the state budget. About the state budget.
About a financial system.

Now, the Ministry of Finance with huge number of "bureaucrats" can put up money in the project which will not bring profit to the people, for example war. To print empty bank notes and to develop inflation in the state, that is to inflate the prices and to depreciate contributions of citizens. That currency and the prices were stable, and national money made profit for the people, instead of the power, I offer: the Power operating a financial system to transfer to the persons who have enclosed means in bank, that is the people. The people will create a network of private banks. The private bank will not allow the government to organise inflation in the state. The investor, bringing in bank money, concludes the contract, therefore under any conditions will collect from the banker the contribution through court. (Try to collect from the state bank). The private bank not begins to finance the project which the profit will not make. The private bank will always struggle for the investor and will not allow to monopolise the influence. The more there will be banks, the more low a percent of the credit and above contribution percent. To cut expenses on operations with currency, I think that in the near future banks will pass to uniform monetary currency.

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