Technical technologies.
If the power did not brake science developments mankind would not starve and would not spend a huge energy potential, for cultivation of food vegetation. The mankind would learn to receive an extract of nutrients from wild-growing grasses. The history has proved that Jews were fed with forty years with a god-send, that is an extract from wild-growing grasses. Mankind would learn to use radio-waves, for a drive in movement of flying machines ploughing the Universe. The mankind would not build atomic power stations, and would use energy of space which was used skillfully by an antediluvian civilization. That the science has made fast lifting in development of technologies I has sent the letter in the United Nations with the offer to create the international centre on gathering of the scientific information from people inclined to inventions. The centre should collect ideas at inventors, define their value and through specified time to pay compensation to inventors or to offer the inventor participation in the further working out of idea. The centre on gathering of ideas, should process together with research institute idea of the inventor to ready technology and sell to the manufacturer. Thus, the science will have own money for fast development of scientific progress, and inventors will not be burdened by bureaucratic delays. I have suggested the United Nations to carry out the project thus, to define the sum of money required for creation of the centre and to divide into actions which each person can buy. Considering that there will be in the near future a working out of a new kind of energy which will demand enormous investments and if each person encloses the share in a consequence the profit on use of energy from space, will feed its all life. Actions will be descended, only "fool" is capable to sell the action feeding it. The answer to this offer will read in section "The politics".