Mr. Lukashenko, Alexander, do you call the "pragmatist", i.e. a man who is "the program of action for their future and willing to answer for their mistakes. If you pragmatist, then why are you taking credit in Russia and the IMF, is not you''ll pay a loan, but the people? Why do not you examine the example of Iceland, where the loans have turned people into slaves? (Pragmatics), you have sold into slavery Belarusians bankers in Russia and the IMF. You are not afraid that Belarusians do with you what did the citizens of Iceland, with its head of state? (Pragmatics), why you refused to privatize in my project that in 1994, I handed the officer of your administration in person? The project proposes to divide the state ownership of the shares and credited to the privatization bills to all Belarusian citizens equally, including children born on the day of privatization. Day of the privatization the people identified on the referendum. People, climbing from the account of shares, would have invested their own money in the modernization of production. Owners are forced to employ the collective production of an executive director for enterprise management. And as soon as profits begin to decline, owners will replace the director. Thus, the enterprise will always be upgraded, and a profit. People who do not wish to take part in the development of collective production, instead of shares, would be taken away from money and have a business. Unemployment would not have been, economic growth and living standards of Belarusians obvious. What do you (Pragmatics), unless you can calculate the apparent profit? And maybe (Pragmatics) wanted “to have” from privatization? Let us consider the effects of privatization. Alexander Lukashenko will sell all of the company, of course “to have” and many turn into oligarchs. Foreign investors Belarusian enterprises will close in order to clear the market for their goods. And the economy of Belarus in six months be destroyed. (Pragmatics), why you before privatization did not examine the experience of Russia, where vast numbers of businesses were destroyed, and scrap metal taken abroad, where the oligarchs, through manipulation, do not pay taxes? You (Pragmatics), do not you might consider the experience of the United States, where wealthy oligarchs at the expense of fraud, but Congress adopts a budget with a deficit? Because of what the Head of State to filling the budget has to take credit, or to include the printing press? In order to contain unemployment, which the oligarchs are thrown into the street. Do you not realize that the crisis had simply because the oligarchs, through manipulation, opposed the development of small businesses, which feeds the people and power? (Pragmatics), obviously, you understand now that will be responsible for errors and decided to shift its mistakes on the shoulders of the opposition. You build opposition to the advisory board ostensibly to find a way out of crisis. (Pragmatics), you have to calculate the time when the crisis will stop the companies working for export, and throw into the street workers. Then you accuse all the sins of the opposition. Therefore, the opposition did not participate in the adventure, advice, and you, Mr. President of the Republic of Belarus, the Council to the UN podium and offer the world a way out of crisis, which is written in the following text. Do you False-Pragmatics, no exit - or if you speak at the UN in the near future and then assign a referendum, or a few months, the unemployed, as well as in Iceland, was assailed with eggs and kick to shame. |