Main | Upper - English | About well-being of the people. | About a financial system. |
About the state budget.
Taxes press the worker of the person. I suggest to consider such variant of decrease in taxes. The power should earn the profit at the people. The person should put up money voluntary in preservation of the health and property. And that the able-bodied person did not spend the time for care of parents and training of children. I offer a variant of the law on state budget formation: (About budget gathering see more low) 1. For payment of pensions and grants to invalids to use the budget collected through the tax for rent of territory. The size of pension should be at all identical and equal to a living wage. Because people in the childhood and an old age equally demand for themselves care from the able-bodied person. 2. For training of children to use the budget collected through the tax to the income. I am convinced that 10 % from the income, are enough for training of children. I assume that the tax will be even more low, and your children will receive a quality education if there will be a five years'' general education for all children. At this age, it is already generated consciousnesses for the future labour activity. What for to the future physicist to learn 11 years singing and the literature, then as early as 5-6 years of institute? After a five-year education, institutes will define, what disciplines the student and to majority is capable to study, children will have a specialised education and even, scientific degrees. Institutes should be private that the state, that is, you tax bearers have collected a damage in a case not qualitative training. And how you think? I assume that children invalids and orphans, and also aged people will receive worthy pension. For this sum the private person will provide their maintenance, besides dependents can collect the damage, in a case not qualitative service. Try to collect from the state boarding school. How do you think? At such system of formation of the budget the working person will know that his parents and children will use its work. And in a case if the power uses its money not for the designated purpose, it will collect them through court. Other taxes in the state I assume will not be because the person will care of preservation of the health and property itself and voluntary. 3. Voluntary signed contract with the insurance company grants the right to collect through court from the insurance company a damage caused by poor-quality service. Therefore the insurance companies will pay the maintenance of firemen and rescue crews, and also hospitals and fast medical aid. The person will voluntary put up money in development of local hospital, fire and a rescue crew. And through court will take away the money if to it will render the poor-quality help. You have a question and if has not insured and has caused fire or honey the help, to you with pleasure will assist and will expose the account which will collect through court. 4. It is necessary to insure necessarily level of payment of wages! Salary insurance will reduce unemployment because the insurance company will quickly employ the unemployed. Need will disappear to contain for the state account labour exchange. You have a question that the person has gone abroad and there was ill, and at its insurance policy of local value. Or for example there was an earthquake and the local insurance company not in forces to conduct salvage operations and to pay a damage the victim. I answer. That the person put up voluntary money in insurance system, it will work with it in close contact worldwide and in an every spot on the globe to you will assist at world level. 5. The budget for the power maintenance will be formed according to the contract signed during elections. 6. For the army maintenance to use the budget collected through the duty on use of ecology in territory of the state by foreigners. |