Main | Upper - English | About a new control system of the state. | Law and order protection. |
About protection of ecology and preservation of folk customs.
Now, factories have poisoned environment, there is a problem how to clear ecology. The problem is not solved for compactly living people with the language and customs. Bribes and corruption have amazed a society and there is no exit. To eradicate bribes, to clear ecology, to keep folk customs and language, I offer: the Power keeping ecology and folk customs to transfer to the head of regional territory through the contract signed with the people. The head of regional territory will be independent of the head of the state if its income depends on collection of penalties and official registration of papers. Candidates on a post of the head of regional administration are obliged to write down the following in the contract draught: 1. Without the conclusion of the contract with ecological service of area industrial activity and trade are forbidden. To establish norm of emission of production wastes and the size of the penalty for excess of norm of pollution and illegal trade. This rule will forbid manufacturing and distribution of harmful manufactures. 2. To specify term of the board and to establish cost and term for official registration of papers on rent of territory of area, "purchase and sale" of a private property and registration of the people living temporarily and constantly. This rule will eradicate a bribe and corruption because to change cost of official registration of papers it is impossible to following elections. The bureaucracy will stop existence because for residing and labour activity in state territory only three documents are necessary to the person: to register a residence permit, to issue rent of territory and to register manufacture. And you issue these three documents at office of the head of regional territory, in the term defined by the contract. 3. To establish rules of behaviour of the person in public places. Subscribing under this rule, people keep folk customs and language, the problem of fighters for independence will be solved. 4. To specify the rate of the tax to rent of territory and the size of pension. To specify an account number and the bank name where persons will list the tax voluntary. Voluntary to list the tax will force the signature.« I undertake to execute the Constitution »and the criminal code law« For larceny - of 10 years ». 5. To specify in the contract draught of data on emigrants which wish to obtain the permit to a constant residence at the people. This rule will exclude an overpopulation of the state emigrants and distribution of foreign cultures in state territory. To emigrants grants the right to time residing and industrial activity the coupon bought on customs. Let make profit for the radical people through habitation and territory rent. |